Hail and well met traveller, welcome to the Website of Nexus, a World of Warcraft Alliance on the Server EU-Stormrage.
Our goal is to provide our alliance members with regular raids to the high end instances in Azeroth, the Eastern Kingdoms, Outland and every other place that might rise from the mists.
2006-03-29 - Baron Geddon defeated
When entering Molten Core on wednesday with the goal to again kill Lucifron, Magmaddar and maybe some others, we realized that we entered our old instance. So we decided to proceed further and finally arrived in the cave with Baron Geddon. After some rough learning lessons where he converted the whole raid into a farm of living bombs, he too had to admit defeat as his essence was banished from this world. |
2006-03-26 - Molten Core - back with a vengeance ...
2006-03-12 - Nexus downs Kurinnaxx
While the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj are still shaking from the tremors of the opening of the gates, a new thunderstorm rolls over them: Nexus who decided to pay those bugs and Qiraji a visit, just to knock on their carapaces and tell them "be prepared, we're coming for you". And a hard knock it was: Kurinnaxx had to yield to the combined forces of Nexus. Too bad that those Kaldorai Elites are some kind of wusses who can't handle a whole load of Qiraji Soldiers on their own :) |