Nexus Logo

Onsite Links:

Alliance Forum
Suicide Kings

Hail and well met traveller, welcome to the Website of Nexus, a World of Warcraft Alliance on the Server EU-Stormrage.

Our goal is to provide our alliance members with regular raids to the high end instances in Azeroth, the Eastern Kingdoms, Outland and every other place that might rise from the mists.

2006-05-11 - Onyxia dead!

After 1 get-to-know a new boss run last wednesday, a quickly organized but nevertheless rather successful run on sunday, we knew that today she'll go down. And down she went, slain by the hands, guns, bows and spells of many a brave member of the Nexus Alliance.
Tier 2 headpieces and other EPiX were distributed and Onyxia's Head was then hung to the gates of Stormwind accompanied by the cheers and huzzahs of Nexus and speechless bypassers.

Onyxia dead Onyxia's Head hung

2006-05-03 - Ayamiss downed (pun intended)


This flyer is down ... Another visit to the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, another dead boss, Ayamiss hit the ground after Nexus pounded him (or her, I don't care) and cut his (...) wings. Congratulations everyone!

2006-04-17 - Moam defeated

Another one bites the dust ... Moam and his three arcane friends were killed true in Nexus Style ... Our expedition and try on Buru was also quite successful - brought him down to 11% before we had to call it a night. We'll be back...


2006-04-11 - General Rajaxx defeated

General Rajaxx  

Remember when I said, I'll kill you last ... I lied - err, he didn't we did! We went there, learned the encounter, killed his minions and sub-commanders and finally killed Rajaxx himself. The Nexus alliance has taken another step towards clearing the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. Moam is next

2006-04-09 - Nine down, One to go ...

Ragnaros, we're coming for you ... Continuing our successful run from wednesday, we continued to venture deeper into Molten Core to "try out, how those other bosses work" ... And we found out, that Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg and finally Majordomo Executus are no match for Nexus. All of them were defeated the latter three on first attempt, first try. Afterwards, we enjoyed the beautiful sight of Ragnaros executing Majordomo.

Here are the pictures:

Shazzrah   Sulfuron Harbinger   Golemagg the Incinerator
Majordomo Executus summoned   Majordomo Executus defeated

2006-04-08 - Hakkar and Jin'do the Hexxer DEAD

After preparing the ground in countless runs to Zul'Gurub, learning the encounter and preparing for the ultimate Take-Down, Nexus ventured into the troll infested bastion of the Soulflayer to settle an old bill - Hakkar. In an amazing effort of all the three guilds that make up Nexus, Hakkar was killed on saturday. As a bonus, the brave men and women took down Hexxer too. Congratulations to everyone and enjoy the good feeling and your ph4t l00t. :)

Hakkar Jin'Do the Hexxer

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Alliance Members:

Jadestone Alliance
Order of the Storm Seekers